McG om Terminator 5

Om nuläget för uppföljaren till Terminator: Salvation säger McG följande: "we're working on it right now. We're very far down the line with the story for that – for the next picture, and even the picture after that, and feeling good and we'll see where that takes us"
Han erkänner att han inte lyckats göra fansen nöjda och lovar att han lärt sig av sina misstag. "I think the film missed some of the fun that Jim [Cameron] brought to the early pictures. I take it very seriously. And clearly I didn't do a good enough job on that picture and I didn't satisfy the fanbase to the degree that I would expect to satisfy them. And I take that very seriously and I just work that much more diligently to make sure I do that in the next one."
Hela intervjun med McG om Terminator: Salvation och hans kommande film 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea kan ni läsa på